Stay Focused on your Life Purpose,

Ignore Negative Mental Chatter
Christine Schwarz 2018


I want to share with you, that the negative chatter in your head, will entice you to stop moving forward in your life and “Life Purpose”. It will purposely plant deep seeds of doubt inside your mind, body and soul where it will take root like aggressive weeds in a garden and it will choke out the positive energy of your forward momentum.


 It does this by stirring up and fueling your negative feelings with the adversity and issues from your past. Experiences such as unhealthy childhood perceptions or being told that you are not good enough, not valued, not worthy, not strong enough, not smart enough and the list can go on.

These negative feelings from past issues can also be the result from a bad relationship or marriage, losing a job, failing at something that you thought was important to you, a critique, an assault, or any event that did not serve your highest good.

This kind of negative mindset, will take those experiences and try to stir up your emotions like a hurricane, building energy, in order to distract you, from moving forward and staying stuck, in some kind of a bondage.

This is the bondage of self pity, blaming others, blaming and shaming yourself and so on. This defeating chatter will keep you in that dark windowless prison for as long as you believe in its lies, and you will attract to you more of the same. Just as it is written “As a man thinks, so is he (she)”.

It’s time to take off those blinders and see the light, because here is the truth.  Adversity is the teacher. See its lessons. It has many gifts and blessings.

Push back and ask your adversity. What are you teaching me. What is it I need to learn from this or that experience? Ask how is that situation helping me to move forward into my Life Purpose. What is the clarity that is being revealed to me.

You will often discover that, the harder the adversity, the bigger the lesson. As someone somewhere once said, “The bigger the Problem, the bigger the gift”.

But no matter what happens, believe this. God’s promises are always true. Listen, read and speak God’s promises. Study the Divine wisdom so that it is all you hear in your mind. Play the words through your past your present and your future. Filter out the negative noises and replace it with the gentle sweet music of the love and lightness of God’s infinite joy. 

The truth is, that you are loved and you are cherished. You have an important purpose in the world, in this life. Believe it, see it.

Your Life Purpose is the most valuable thing you have in order to create something magnificently beautiful in this world. Cherish it and step into it.

Your whole life will change in ways you never believed possible. You will find that the Joy you will experience, is what you have been seeking all your life.

This joy has been standing there right in front of you, but because you were so distracted by the negative stirred up scattered emotions, you did not see it. So see it now.

Step out and away, and pass through those “feelings” storms and always be in your purpose.

Believe it, see it, do it.

Copyright © 2018 Christine Schwarz. All rights reserved Worldwide.