Christine Schwarz is a teacher, trainer, speaker, writer, Life empowerment Coach, Career and Business Identity Coach, Leadership Trainer, Music Professional, Engineering Specialist and Humanitarian.

She has been supporting women since the late 1980’s but decided to create Diamond Coaching and Training, LLC  to inspire, empower and guide women into creating the beautiful life they deserve and want.

Christine has real life experience as a woman, independently and successfully moving through massive life transitions and change. 

Her belief is that all women stand the strongest when they become aware and lean into their collective unity and Divine connection, to create a better world.

Her programs will inspire you to take action, learn key success life skills, evaporate limiting beliefs, show you how to step into your abundance, learn the real meaning of prosperity, become aware of the resources that are available to you, teach you how to take charge of your life, and give up the habits that do not serve your highest good.

In her classes and coaching, she encourages women to grab the hand of the woman next to her, for a fun journey of abundance and joy.


Christine Schwarz Empowers Woman 

Christine successfully designed her career as a single woman working in major industries. She knows the priceless value of women in the workplace and their impact in creating a better world through their own natural instincts.


Christine Schwarz Biography

Christine Schwarz started her career life as a Dental Technician. In her early 20’ she was offered an opportunity in the Entertainment Industry and began performing and traveling as a successful self-employed Professional Music artist and become a supporting member of the Recording Academy for 15 years.

She left performing on the road, in order to give assistance and care-taking for her family members, while putting herself through Engineering school.

She became an Engineering Specialist working across all disciplines and designing the individual components for 3-D computer graphics modeling of manufacturing plants. Her strongest skills include efficiency, organization, communication, research, team work and grass roots start-up. She has saved her companies millions of dollars. She worked for the top Engineering firms in the US such as Jacobs, Flour Daniel and Raytheon.

She was a one of the Technical Engineers, who as a team, help create a Team Concept manufacturing plant.

She began her speaking career in late 1980’s for a large women’s retreat, then later becoming a member of Toast Master’s. Her speaking skills also include creating company presentations.

She is highly trained in the area of  Life Transformation and Healing and began doing support work in the area of weight loss and management, circa 1990, and has continued volunteering leading support groups for weight maintenance through doing the inner work and changing life habits.

She is trained, certified and very experienced as a Career and Life Coach. Her favorite topic is self mastery and team work.

She has received her certification in Advanced Medical Aesthetics from the American Academy of Medical Aesthetics, Inc., earned her status as a Licensed Esthetician, certification in Wull Stone Therapy and Reiki Master Level. 

Using her own funds, she designed, built, trademarked, copyright and authors a free website for women, that empowers, inspires, coaches and guides them into creating the beautiful life of their dreams.

Christine is the creator and owner of Diamond Coaching and Training, LLC that coaches, guides, mentors, teaches, and supports woman into developing their highest and on-going potential.