Better Choices,Better Tomorrow

by Christine Schwarz 2019

A chalk board with the words Plan A and Plan B.

We make thousands of choices everyday. The choice to brush our teeth, to make our coffee, to exercise, to drive the car and so on. Everyday, thousands of choices, every moment of everyday.


The choices are made so many times, within any given day,  that they became something we do unconsciously and therefore become a habit.


Our habits define who we are, how we think, believe, our behavior and the direction that we are going on, in this journey of life.


Choices are very powerful. They can transform your life in a blink of an eye. And that is why, being aware of your choices is so important.

A series of bad choices, one after another, can cause your life to be a downward slide into bad habits and into a life that has no joy.

Look around you, your choices created the world that you are living in right now. You create your reality.

The power of your choices are in your hands. You can soar upward instantly by starting in this moment to make better choices every everyday.


Create a better tomorrow simply by making better choices each moment of your day.

Better Choices, better tomorrow!

So ask yourself each moment, “what would be a better choice” right now.

You don’t need to weigh yourself down with the pressure of being perfect, just do your best.


Challenge yourself by deciding to make 5 better choices everyday.

For instance:

– choose vegetables instead of dessert,

– choose to exercise rather than sit in front of the TV,

– choose to encourage a friend instead of surfing the internet.

– choose to send a thank you card instead of an email.

– choose to keep your desk neat instead of untidy.

Being conscious of making better choices daily becomes a habit when repeated over time.

You will feel the difference. Your world will start changing.

You will feel more joy.

You’re choices got you here.

Make Better Choices, and Create a Better Tomorrow!