A Woman Starting Over
by Christine Schwarz 2018


                            Girl in graduation uniform and mother   

Starting your life over, after a major loss, such as a loss of a career or business, a spouse, a loved one, or the financial type, will be the biggest most transformational event of your life.

It will take at least 80% of your focus and energy to begin again.

Major losses often appear without notice, and most women believe that by keeping everything in their personal world under control, they are protected.

But the best preparation by far, is knowing “how” to bounce back and bounce back stronger and higher, with the determination to learn the lessons from the loss and being grateful for the clarity they offer.

A woman already has an innate natural ability, to start over. No matter if she is cooking, sowing, dating, friendships, new career or new life. Women are successful over-comers of any situation. They simply “start over”. For instance, if the cake comes out flat, she just starts over, if the laundry is still soiled, she starts over, if the hem is too long on one side, she starts over, and if the relationship or career or anything she is pursuing did not work out to her expectation, she simply starts over.

Women have a strong life force. A great example of this, is that she can create new life with her own body, and forget the birth pains right after delivery! It is a Divine gift. Women are a lot stronger than they realize.

They know instinctively how to use the resources at hand, to begin again. But one of the most important resources a woman needs to embrace more often, is a healthy support group of female friends. Just as that metaphor often repeated reveals that, “geese fly farther and faster together”. The connection and empowering energy of a group of women makes “starting over” much more joyful and exciting. It expands the experience to one of thankfulness and realization that more has been gained and abundance received, on the journey.

5 Steps to Start Over

1.) In starting over, the first step, is to be aware of where you are right now.

2.) Look ahead at where you are going and envision your future self.
    Ask yourself what it is you REALLY want for YOUR beautiful life.

“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anais Nin ~

3.) Remove anything from your world that does fit or support you and that ideal life.

4.) Step by step, be committed and unstoppable to start moving forward in the direction
of your dreams and life vision.

5.) Move forward with purpose and move forward with trust, that you are being supported.
     And as Eleanor Roosevelt once said,

“The future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of their dreams”

Starting over is an opportunity to create your life masterpiece. You are the artist of your dreams. Dream big!